Sunday, May 30, 2010

January 13th, 2010-Yoga

Just as with the hiking, I will not post about yoga every time I go, but my blog would not be complete without mentioning Yogahop. People joke about how everyone in LA is obsessed with yoga, but I have to say, yogahop is one of my favorite things about living in Santa Monica. It isn't traditional yoga- they blast hip hop and other great songs while you move at a pretty rapid rate. It is the best workout I have ever done and I really think that it changed my body. It may not deliver the same "zen" feeling as traditional yoga, but I always leave there feeling better.

I used to go to Maha, which is the same concept, but more of a scene. The last time I was there people were using their blackberries in "down dog" and that was pretty much it for me. It also gets so packed that it is hard to move without getting a foot or butt in your face.

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