Wednesday, April 7, 2010

January 1st, 2009-Happy New Year!

I am not a “New Years Person.” I don’t like the expectations and pressure placed on that night and would be perfectly happy doing something low key with a few people. However, with Eva, Julie, Hilarey, Brian, and Katie G. flying in this year, I know that I needed to plan something fun. I also desperately wanted to replace the memory of last years semi-disastrous New Years and start the year out right. In order to do this, I knew that I would have to take matters into my own hands and throw a party. My neighbor Joel made the set list, Meg’s boyfriend Tim also brought one, Julie and I picked up some alcohol and snacks, and I sent out an evite stating that L.L. Cool J would be “playing a small set.” I figured that would draw a larger crowd and once they got here and saw how fun it was, I would break the news that LL had to cancel. Everything worked out well and there was a surprisingly great turn out of about 50 people! There were around 40 women and 10 men but there were still some New Years Eve kisses and lots of fun. A little after midnight, when it was clear that no one was really sober, an older man walked in and walked directly to my kitchen. I had a feeling that he was a random off the street, but it was possible that someone had invited him. He showed up with some alcohol and asked if my party was an “AA” meeting. That was our tip off and Joel had to throw him out, but not before he had given Joel his card in an attempt to “hang out” sometime. A little while later a, clearly angry, neighbor came up and asked me to clear out the party. She seemed very disgruntled for someone who was completely dressed with make-up on- it wasn’t like we had woken her up. I quickly turned off the music and most people cleared out. I would say it was one of the most fun New Years to date!