Monday, June 21, 2010

January 30- Ojai, Day 2

We woke up to a gorgeous day and decided to eat lunch outside on the deck. You'll notice that there are four breakfasts on the table but only three of us. No, we didn't have another friend coming, that is just typical Lisa V. ordering. It's hard to believe that someone so tiny really likes to eat! She always wants something "sweet" after breakfast which usually means an extra breakfast of either waffles or pancakes. I always protest against this because what ends up happening is that Lisa takes one bite and I have 10. She is part of the reason that I could not button my pants after living with her in Paris. She's a food pusher in the worst way, but we were on vacation, so I let it slide. We had a nice game of tennis to work it off. I hadn't played since I was 12- I forgot how much fun it can be.

We ended the night with a fancy birthday dinner, for me, at the resort. After the previous night's meal, we decided to stay close to home. The dinner was amazing but the best surprise of the night was that the women at the table next to us thought I was turning 26!

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