Sunday, June 20, 2010

January 28- Logan and The Lisas!

Logan and Lisa

Today was a long but very fun day! I picked up Lisa V. from the airport (she flew in from PA) and we headed down Newport to visit Sara H. and to squeeze her son Logan. It's hard to believe that Logan is real- he is so adorable it almost hurts. Lisa V. didn't put him down and kept saying that holding Logan made her want another baby- she has THREE boys under 5!!
After a few hours we got a quick lunch and headed back to Santa Monica to change clothes and head back to the airport to pick up Lisa K. (coming in from SF). We grabbed Lisa and made it to Gjelina (my favorite!!) just in time to meet up with Lisa V.'s brother and dad for a fun dinner. We shared the heavenly mushroom and truffle pizza (no tomato sauce, yay!) and then everyone ordered their own meal. It wouldn't be a meal at Gjelina without a celebrity sighting and tonight Owen Wilson was sitting a few tables away, but we hardly had time to notice him while we were stuffing our faces. After dinner it was off to bed so that we could be fresh for our drive to Ojai in the morning.

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