Monday, June 21, 2010

February 6th- Later That Night

I received a semi-surprise text from Drew W. (I forgot he was going to be in town), while at Meg's party. He was near my apartment so I decided to meet him, at Bar Chole, for a drink on my way home. Drew is an old friend from my semester abroad in Paris. Drew, Lisa V, and I were pretty much the "Three Musketeers." I rarely get to see him so it was such a treat to be able to catch up! We spent most of the night laughing and reminiscing about all of the funny things that happened when we lived in France, such as his French "family" asking him if his American family could bring some Viagra for them, when they came to visit.

February 6th- Hand Crafted Valentines!

Every year Meg T. has an amazing pre-Valentine's day party where we all get to make hand crafted Valentine's for our loved ones while taking Jello shots and eating cupcakes and really good Chinese Chicken Salad from Joan's on Third. Even if you're heartbroken (& someone at the party always is), it is such a fun party that it's impossible not to have a good time!

January 30- Ojai, Day 2

We woke up to a gorgeous day and decided to eat lunch outside on the deck. You'll notice that there are four breakfasts on the table but only three of us. No, we didn't have another friend coming, that is just typical Lisa V. ordering. It's hard to believe that someone so tiny really likes to eat! She always wants something "sweet" after breakfast which usually means an extra breakfast of either waffles or pancakes. I always protest against this because what ends up happening is that Lisa takes one bite and I have 10. She is part of the reason that I could not button my pants after living with her in Paris. She's a food pusher in the worst way, but we were on vacation, so I let it slide. We had a nice game of tennis to work it off. I hadn't played since I was 12- I forgot how much fun it can be.

We ended the night with a fancy birthday dinner, for me, at the resort. After the previous night's meal, we decided to stay close to home. The dinner was amazing but the best surprise of the night was that the women at the table next to us thought I was turning 26!

January 29th- Ojai Adventure!

Gross appetizer at Los Caporales
Outdoor fireplace

A few months ago Lisa V, Lisa K, and I decided that we were in need of a girl’s trip. We decided to justify this little weekend getaway by making it a belated birthday celebration for me. 500 emails later, we finally decided on the Ojai Valley Inn and Spa, in Ojai, CA. Ojai is just 1.5 hours from Santa Monica, so we were there in no time! We started the day with a hike in Temescal Canyon and were at the resort by lunchtime!

On the first night we decided to venture into town for dinner. We asked the front desk for some Mexican restaurant recommendations. They suggested Antonio’s and Los Caporales, but said that they preferred Antonio’s. After getting lost a few times on the 3 minute drive there, we finally found Antonio’s. It looked pretty dead, so we decided to go to Los Caporales instead. After being seated I noticed that they were using a microwave to cook (I could see into the kitchen from my seat). We were starving and decided to order an appetizer of melted cheese and chorizo (can’t think of the name for it). I was envisioning a bowl of creamy melted cheese with chunks of yummy chorizo, but what came instead was a plate of congealed cheese with what looked like dog food masquerading as chorizo.

The rest of the meal wasn’t much better and we tried to ignore the fact that the meat in my burrito was grey. Wanting something sweet, but not wanting to take a chance on anything else there, we headed to Chevron where we loaded up on Candy to eat while watching a pay per view movie at the hotel. We decided on Fame and it was almost as bad as the dinner. As Lisa V. put it, “this movie is made for Brooke, Cami’s 5 year old.” Despite the horrible food and bad entertainment, we had a fun first night in Ojai.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

January 28- Logan and The Lisas!

Logan and Lisa

Today was a long but very fun day! I picked up Lisa V. from the airport (she flew in from PA) and we headed down Newport to visit Sara H. and to squeeze her son Logan. It's hard to believe that Logan is real- he is so adorable it almost hurts. Lisa V. didn't put him down and kept saying that holding Logan made her want another baby- she has THREE boys under 5!!
After a few hours we got a quick lunch and headed back to Santa Monica to change clothes and head back to the airport to pick up Lisa K. (coming in from SF). We grabbed Lisa and made it to Gjelina (my favorite!!) just in time to meet up with Lisa V.'s brother and dad for a fun dinner. We shared the heavenly mushroom and truffle pizza (no tomato sauce, yay!) and then everyone ordered their own meal. It wouldn't be a meal at Gjelina without a celebrity sighting and tonight Owen Wilson was sitting a few tables away, but we hardly had time to notice him while we were stuffing our faces. After dinner it was off to bed so that we could be fresh for our drive to Ojai in the morning.

January 24- Temescal Hike

I like to call this part the "Secret Garden"

As mentioned before, I won't blog about every hike I take or this would be a hiking blog. However, I need to mention Temescal as it is one of my favorite hikes in LA! Temescal is about a 15 minute drive from my apartment and the hike takes around 1.5 hours if you don't stop very often. During the week we usually try to jam up it and do it in the shortest amount of time possible, but today was a Sunday so Kristen, Lisa, and I stopped to take in the scenery and get some pics. A little tip for Temescal is to park on Sunset, just outside of the park. That way you don't have to pay and you can add a little extra walking to the hike. This hike gets very crowded on the weekends but during the week it's pretty empty.